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Five Questions To Ask Before Opening A Digital Agency

Our parents tried to warn us, and as much as we hate to admit this, it sounds like they were right – all the jobs these days are “in computers”. As unhelpful as that was, when most people hear their great-aunt talk about “computer jobs”

Free Open Source Bug Issues Trackers

Free & Open Source Bug & Issues Trackers

Keeping track of issues and bugs when you’re developing a new site is a vital part of the process but a lot of project management tools don’t have a nice actionable way to work through the issues, and who really needs one more bill for

cnn money paid link scheme

Hey CNN, Can You Stop Selling Followed Links?

Recently while on CNN Money I noticed a “Paid partner content” section and curious to see if they were using Outbrain or something similar I did a quick inspect element and noticed that no, they’re not using a platform, at least not for all of

grav flat file cms

Free Modern & Open Source Flat-File CMS Platforms

What is a flat-file CMS? First of all, you might wonder what exactly a flat-file CMS is? To put it simply it’s a CMS that doesn’t use a database like most CMS systems such as WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla do. Instead they store data inside

small business websites

Marketing Abbreviations and Acronyms

Over the years we’ve had a lot of questions about the meaning of various internet marketing abbreviations and acronyms, so we decided to put a list together! It’s undoubtedly unfinished, so please, let us know if we’ve missed any.   A/B Testing – In A/B

seo myths that need to die

SEO Myths That Need to Die

You don’t need SEO if your developers/designers did their job. – WRONG! This myth is more common outside of the SEO industry than in, but it doesn’t make it any more correct. I frequently see this argument in discussions where money and SEO are involved,