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All posts by Kalee

how to do guest blogging

How to Do Guest Blogging: Guest Blogging Done Right

Guest blogging is an exceptional link building practice that provides targeted, high-quality links in addition to lasting, mutually beneficial relationships. It’s also really, really hard to do, and nearly impossible to scale rapidly with any budget in mind. In other words, it’s pretty much exactly

latent dirichlet allocation

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) Explained Simply

You might have heard the term “semantic analysis”, “latent semantic analysis” or even the terrifying “latent dirichlet allocation” (LDA) batted around in conversations with SEO company reps, or by SEO newbies who want to sound smart. It’s a moderately complex topic that’s strikingly undocumented from


SEO Correlation Study: Pros & Cons

There seems to be a lot of questions with regard to the validity of the results of SEO correlation studies. In order to understand the studies and use the information shared properly, there is a need to put it in the right context.   The

using keyword research for optimized site architecture

Using Keyword Research for Optimized Site Architecture

Site architecture and keyword research go hand-in-hand. Like, almost literally. If they were a couple, they’d be the kind that made you nauseous. You know, the newlywed ones that share a soda one sip at a time. And to get the most out of your


If Carpenters Were Hired Like Programmers

My cousin recently sent me a link to a pretty funny comparison: If Carpenters Were Hired Like Programmers. Looks like it was originally posted at but the site looks empty now. Anyways, here it is:   Interviewer: So, you’re a carpenter, are you? Carpenter: That’s right, that’s what

SEOmoz is now Moz

You don’t have to be in the SEO industry to frequent SEOmoz, even web developers go there to check on new aspects of design they may have to implement at a later date for clients. Additionally, almost any webmaster can find information there to help


Modern CSS Responsive Menu

Codrops recently made this tutorial for a modern css responsive menu with icons. It’s designed with flat colors, as seems to be the trend lately, but looks very nice. One of the great things about the tutorials from Codrops is that they tend to cover