Keeping track of issues and bugs when you’re developing a new site is a vital part of the process but a lot of project management tools don’t have a nice actionable way to work through the issues, and who really needs one more bill for another piece of software on their stack. With that in mind I’ve compiled a list of free and/or open source issue trackers, some of which are self hosted while others are cloud based.
Name | Hosted | Notes |
Debugle | Cloud | Modern, simple, and intuative. |
Gitlab | Cloud | Best free option for large teams. |
Github | Cloud | Free only includes public issue tracker |
Aiveo | Cloud | Free for up to 5 users. |
Bitbucket | Cloud | Free for up to 5 users. |
MantisBT | Self | Open source, free addons. |
Bugzilla | Self | Multiple extensions and browser plugins. |
Trac | Self | Open source. |
Snowy Evening | Cloud | 1 private project, 3 users, no file storage. |
Flyspray | Self | Intuative and easy to use. |
Request Tracker | Self | Open source, written in Perl. |
Yodiz | Cloud | Free for up to 3 users. |
Asana | Cloud | Up to 15 members. |