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Daily Archives: May 23, 2013


Modern CSS Responsive Menu

Codrops recently made this tutorial for a modern css responsive menu with icons. It’s designed with flat colors, as seems to be the trend lately, but looks very nice. One of the great things about the tutorials from Codrops is that they tend to cover


Modern Metro – Responsive WordPress Theme

This theme has been out for a while, but I’ve been waiting to review it until a few bugs were worked out. As far as it goes, Windows 8 Modern UI (Metro) themes and templates are pretty common these days, which is interesting because of


Google Penguin 2.0 Goes Live

Just a few hours ago reports started coming in that the Google Penguin 2.0 has gone live. You can read Barry Schwartz’s preliminary post about it at Additionally, an SEO subreddit is had a thread pop up with some pretty interesting comments so far about early changes